Smile Designing
Gum Treatment

Tooth Color Filling

Clear Path Aligners

Teeth Whitening




Welcome To Apoorva Dental Care

“Driven by Quality”

Apoorva Dental Care is a leading multi-specialty dental care center situated in Bangalore. The clinic offers holistic solutions and comprehensive treatments that satisfy all your dental needs. Our motto is to deliver quality dental care to every individual, at an affordable cost. We are committed to your safety, comfort, and ease, so you will not be subjected to undue pain or fear when treated under our experienced hands.

Root Canal

Root Canal Therapy (RCT) is an endodontic specialty in dentistry. A sequence of procedures is performed on a tooth which results in the elimination of infection and thereby protecting the tooth from future infection. The tooth is then filled with inert

Smile Design

Since time immemorial, one of the greatest things that have attracted people to each other is a radiant smile. In other words, a smile speaks of your personality, appeal and confidence levels which take you a long way in life and career.

Pediatric Dentistry

High Quality Treatments and affordable Dental Services for Children.
Nothing is as beautiful as a child’s smile. With care and regular dental visits, children can reach adulthood with a lovely smile, free of dental disease.


A dental implant is a fixture which is placed surgically into the bone of the jaw or skull to support a Crown, Bridge or denture. The most commonly used material in an implant is titanium. Usually an abutment is placed over the tooth implant over which the dental prosthesis

To protect yourselves form various Dental issues get in touch with us